Thursday, September 1, 2011

How To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in Dubuque and Beyond

As Summer draws to an end allergy sufferers know what's coming.  Fall allergies and all their symptoms.  Although most people regard the Spring as being terrible for allergies, Fall can be just as bad.

According to doctors at WebMD, "Male plants release tiny cells called pollen into the air in order to reproduce. When these pollen or other allergy triggers get into the noses of certain people, their immune system mistakenly sees them as foreign invaders and releases antibodies -- substances that normally identify and go after bacteria, viruses, and other illness-causing organisms. The antibodies attack the allergens, which leads to the release of chemicals called histamines into the blood. Histamines trigger the runny nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms of allergies.
During the fall season, ragweed is the biggest allergy trigger. Though the yellow-flowering weed typically begins pollinating in August, it can linger well into the fall months. About three-quarters of people who are allergic to spring pollen-producing plants are also allergic to ragweed. Ragweed pollen can travel for hundreds of miles on the wind, so even if it doesn't grow where you live, it can still make you miserable if you're allergic to it.
Mold is another culprit, because its spores can easily get airborne. The piles of damp leaves that line yards and streets in the fall are breeding grounds for mold, as are damp basements and bathrooms at home.
Dust mites -- microscopic, spider-like insects -- are yet another common indoor allergen."

These are all things to be on the look out for.  Battling against airborne allergens is just one thing ServiceOne is really great at thanks to the help of the American Standard AccuClean whole house filter.  You can learn more about that by CLICKING HERE or better yet give our comfort advisors a call for a free indoor air quality evaluation.  563-556-0666.
In the meantime you can also take a look at this great tool from the EPA.  You can actually take a tour of an IAQ house.


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